State Representative
State Representative
I want to thank the voters and all of the volunteers who
helped me win this race! Whether you put a sign in your
yard, talked to a neighbor or made a donation, every bit of it
helped to get me here. No one wins a race by themselves.
Now that the election is over, I am eager to get to work
moving all three of our counties forward!
Welcome to the campaign site for Mark Hiner, State Representative for District 98. Please visit
for the official House of Representatives government website.
Meet Mark
I have been married to my wife Veronica for 33
years. We live in Knox County near Howard. We
have two children, two grandchildren and two
I grew up in Ashland Ohio and spent a lot of time
helping out at my parents’ small business. Outside
of helping at the store, I spent my time tinkering
and fixing things. I was at my best when trying to
solve a problem.
While attending Ashland High School, I interned at WNCO which led to disc-jockeying on
the weekends. From there I moved into the engineering department and eventually into
an ownership role.
With a degree in Broadcast Engineering Technology and an MBA, I have built multiple
successful businesses from the ground up. As a business owner I understand the impact
that taxes and regulations have on businesses and families.
As a Conservative Republican I will always defend the Constitution and the rule of law. I
believe in Liberty and Freedom for all Americans. I am a member of the Buckeye
Firearms Association and National Rifle Association, and have received an “A” rating
from both. I am a strong proponent of the 2nd Amendment.
I am for limited government and for pushing power as close to the people as possible.
We have the best chance of being heard at the local level. I support reducing taxes
wherever possible and will fight for Property Tax reform and to eliminate the Ohio Income
Tax. I believe Ohioans know how best to spend their own hard-earned money, not
bureaucrats in Columbus.
- I am not a career politician but a new face with a fresh perspective. I take this race and
the responsibilities that come along with this position seriously. My obligation is to you,
the members of our community, and I will always take into consideration how legislation
will affect our community by consulting with stakeholders before voting or presenting bills
for consideration. I will fight on your behalf in Columbus.
Voter Resources
County Board of Election Offices
Ohio District 98
- Coshocton County
- Holmes County
- Eastern Knox County,
including Mount Vernon
Contact Me
(740) 481-1713
Please visit for my official House of Representatives contact information.