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State Representative

State Representative

Flag of Ohio

Republican Nominee

For State Representative

I am running to represent you in the Ohio House of Representatives for District 98.

  • Conservative Republican
  • Pro-Life
  • Pro-School Choice
  • Strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment
  • For limited government

I will always show up, put in the hard work and stay true to our values!

Endorsements & Supporters

Jim Jordan

Current United States Congressman

Darrell Kick

Current 98th District Representative

Meet Mark

I have been married to my wife Veronica for 33 ​years. We live in Knox County near Howard. We ​have two children, two grandchildren and two ​grandpups.

I grew up in Ashland Ohio and spent a lot of time ​helping out at my parents’ small business. Outside ​of helping at the store, I spent my time tinkering ​and fixing things. I was at my best when trying to ​solve a problem.

While attending Ashland High School, I interned at WNCO which led to disc-jockeying on ​the weekends. From there I moved into the engineering department and eventually into ​an ownership role.

With a degree in Broadcast Engineering Technology and an MBA, I have built multiple ​successful businesses from the ground up. As a business owner I understand the impact ​that taxes and regulations have on businesses and families.

As a Conservative Republican I will always defend the Constitution and the rule of law. I ​believe in Liberty and Freedom for all Americans. I am a member of the Buckeye ​Firearms Association and National Rifle Association, and have received an “A” rating ​from both. I am a strong proponent of the 2nd Amendment.

I am for limited government and for pushing power as close to the people as possible. ​We have the best chance of being heard at the local level. I support reducing taxes ​wherever possible and will fight for Property Tax reform and to eliminate the Ohio Income ​Tax. I believe Ohioans know how best to spend their own hard-earned money, not ​bureaucrats in Columbus.

I am not a career politician but a new face with a fresh perspective. I take this race and ​the responsibilities that come along with this position seriously. My obligation is to you, ​the members of our community, and I will always take into consideration how legislation ​will affect our community by consulting with stakeholders before voting or presenting bills ​for consideration. I will fight on your behalf in Columbus.


As a grandfather, one of my biggest worries is that our grandchildren will not have the ​same opportunities and freedoms in life that prior generations have had unless we get ​our state and country back on track.

  • We must uphold the Rule of Law and the Constitutions of Ohio and the United ​States. These documents are our foundation, not just suggestions.
  • We must work to stop the expansion of government. The amount of government ​oversight makes it difficult to make any progress. We need to simplify government ​and put as much power back into the hands of the people as possible.
  • We must work to eliminate Ohio’s State Income Tax putting more of the hard-earned ​money back into the hands of Ohioans where it belongs.
  • We must support our first responders and ensure that they have the tools to keep us ​(and them) safe.
  • We must create a marketplace where schools can compete. Ensuring that schools ​have the tools they need to be competitive, as well as providing parents options to ​ensure their kids get the best education possible will elevate our education system ​with our kids reaping the benefits.

Politics is a team sport and I will work to build relationships with all of the elected officials ​in our district and across the state. I am already at work attending County ​Commissioners meetings in all three counties and attending as many of the village ​meetings as I can.

Get Involved

Help us in the fight against our American values! Please send an email to ​ to:

  • Request a yard sign
  • Volunteer your time
  • Have Mark speak to your group

As much as I don’t like it, it takes money to win elections. You can help make a difference no matter the amount! Click the button below to donate now.

Voter Resources

Ohio District 98

  • Coshocton County
  • Holmes County
  • Eastern Knox County, including ​Mount Vernon

Early Voting Begins Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Please vote early at your local Board of Elections!

Contact Me

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(740) 481-1713

Paid for by Hiner For Ohio

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2024 Hiner For Ohio